Port Chester, NY

Mon - Fri: 7am - 6pm
Sat & Sun: 8am - 4pm


  • Supplied from small farms around the world, carefully curated, and thoroughly ground, we make sure to give you the best specialty coffee blends and roasts for you. Whether it’s to kickstart your day, remix your evening, or fade the day into an all-nighter, our roasted beans are here for you in every way, shape, blend, or foam. Drink with us or shop online; it’s a guaranteed good time with coffee and friends.

  • When forming The Producer Coffee, we aimed for a place that combined good music and great specialty drinks. Creating a harmonious ambiance where you can come with friends or stay for an inspired evening, we hope to expand your coffee drinking experience with original and satisfying mixes. Maybe after a couple of espressos, you’ll create something of your own.

  • When creating The Producer Coffee Studio, we thought of our favorite cafès, their ambiance, and how the energy feels. While we initially considered the external of these spaces, we began to wonder about places where we felt our best. To us, it’s wherever you can be with friends, listening to the best music.

    We wanted to create a space with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, one which fosters creativity and welcomes musicians, artists, writers, and other creatives to make themselves at home in our coffee studio.

    Whether it is for a relaxing time accompanied or a creative afternoon with your headphones in, we‘ve got you an accommodating place with all your favorites; coffee and fresh baked goods plus inspiring atmosphere and evolving sounds. A chill ambiance you can stay in, hang out, and create.


The Producer Coffee Studio is a harmonic ode to specialty coffee making through creativity and empathy. Sustainably harvested by coffee producers and ethically sourced from small farms all around the globe, we believe in harmony through change.

With great coffee, creative minds, and a clean conscious, we developed an ambiance of calm and inspiration for anyone.